1980 Societal Assessment of SPS

EXHIBIT 1: CATEGORIES OF MAPPED VARIABLES ABSOLUTE EXCLUSION VARIABLES Inland Water Military Reservations DOE Atomic Energy Research and Testing Lands National Recreation Areas Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Adjusted Population Density Marshland Vegetation Perennially Flooded Areas Endangered Species Interstate Highways Navigable Waterways Topography Unacceptable EMC-A150* (Electromagnetic Compatibility) EMC-A100 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) EMC-A50 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) POTENTIAL EXCLUSION VARIABLES - HIGH PROBABILITY OF IMPACT Indian Reservations National Forests and Grasslands Wild and Scenic Rivers Agricultural Lands - Mostly Cropland Agricultural Lands - Irrigated EMC-P150 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) EMC-P100 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) EMC-P60 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) EMC-50 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) POTENTIAL EXCLUSION VARIABLES - IMPACT UNKNOWN Flyways of Migratory Waterfowl - Ducks Flyways of Migratory Waterfowl - Geese DESIGN/COST VARIABLES Tornado Occurrence Acid Rainfall Snowfall Freezing Rain Sheet Rainfall Wind Lightning Density Hail Seismic Risk Timbered Areas Water Availability ♦Numbers refer to minimum separation, in kilometers, from the nearest rectenna.