1980 Societal Assessment of SPS

BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOCIETAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS 1. Bachrach, Arrie, Satellite Power System (SPS) Public Acceptance, U.S. DOE, DOE HCP/R-4024-04, October 1978. 2. Bain, Claud, N., Satellite Power System (SPS) Military Implictions, U.S. DOE, DOE HCP/R-4024-11, October 1978. 3. Baldwin, et al., Economic and Demographic Issues Related to Deployment of the Satellite Power System (SPS), U.S. DOE, ANL/EES-TM-23, October 1978. 4. Blackburn, James B., Jr. and Bill Bavinger, Satellite Power System (SPS) Mapping of Exclusion Areas for Rectenna Sites, U.S. DOE, DOE HCP/R-4024- 10, October 1978 5. Blackburn, James B., Jr. Bill Bavinger and Allan D. Kotin, Satellite Power System (SPS) Rectenna Siting; Availability and Distribution of Nominally Eligible Sites, Rice Univ., and Kotin and Regan Inc., Prepared for PRC Energy Analysis Co., P.O. No. W5.161, W5121 under prime contract with U.S. DOE, June 1980 (Draft Report). 6. Bloomquist, C. , A. Daurio, and S. Shotland, Satellite Power System (SPS) Preliminary Societal Assessment, Prepared by PRC Energy Analysis Co., under prime contract with U.S. DOE, DOE HCP/R-4024-01/14, May 1979. 7. Crist, Meredith, John Hill, Allan D. Kotin, James A. Rabe, Satellite Power System (SPS) Utility Integration: Institutional, Planning and Operations Issues. Prepared for PRC Energy Analysis Company, P.O. #s. W5402, W5403, W5404, under prime contract with U.S. DOE, June 1980 (Draft Report). 8. Christol, Carl Q., Satellite Power System (SPS) International Agreements, U.S. DOE, DOE HCP/R-4024-08, October 1978. 9. Culver, D.H., R.R. Teeter, and W.M. Jamieson, A Methodology for Assessing Systems Materials Requirements, Battelle Columbus Laboratories, Prepared for U.S. DOE, DOE/ER-0040, January 1980. 10. Daurio, Alan P., Determinants of a Strategy for International Participation in the SPS Program, Prepared by PRC Energy Analysis Co., under prime contract with the U.S. DOE, June 1980 (Draft Report). 11. David, Leonard, A Study of Federal Microwave Standards, prepared by PRC Energy Analysis Co. under prime contract with U.S. DOE, DOE/ER/10041-02, August 1980. 12. Donalek and Whysong, Utility Interface Requirements for a Solar Power System, Harza Engineering Company, Prepared for U.S. DOE, DOE/ER-0032, September 1978.