1980 Societal Assessment of SPS

Alan Ladwig Forum for the Advancement of Students in Science and Technology (FASST) Student Participation, Outreach Experiment William Lloyd Marsh and McLennan Insurance Mary Marrs PRC Energy Analysis Company Federal Agency Involvement Sherry McNeal PRC Energy Analysis Company Public Involvement John Naisbitt Center for Policy Process Centralization/ Decentralization Michael Ozeroff Rand Corporation Military Implications James Rabe Environmental Resources Group Utility Interface R.R. Teeter Battelle Columbus Laboratories Materials Assessment J. Peter Vajk Science Applications, Inc. Financial/Management Scenarios, Military Implications Finally, acknowledgement is due to several individuals who reviewed earlier drafts of this document. Their comments were a valuable contribution to the final report. They are: William F. Hornick The Institute on Man and Science, Rensselaerville, NY Albert Perdon Community Redevelopment Agency, Los Angeles, CA Lawrence Susskind Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Charles P. Wolf Social Impact Assessment, New York, NY