1976 NASA SPS Engineering and Economic Analysis Summary

7-22. Total initial SPS system acceleration due to orbital transfer thruster firings...................................... 7-40 7-23. Boeing 100 cm ion thruster single cathode design concept...................................................................... 7-46 7-24. Boeing 10 cm MPD thruster design concept......................... 7-47 7-25. JPL MPD thruster design concept............................................. 7-48 7-26. Electric thruster module locations.......................................... 7-49 7-27. Solar photovoltaic SPS attitude control coordinates .... 7-52 7-28. Photovoltaic concept operation attitudes.................................. 7-53 7-29. Seasonal peak gravity gradient torques.................................. 7-55 7-30. SPS study orientation comparison............................................. 7-58 7-31. Population growth of Earth satellites ..................................... 7-62 7-32. Potential collision frequency...................................................... 7-63 7-33. Optimum number of turbomachines per absorber................ 7-70 7-34. Thermionic-Brayton solar thermal concept with light pipe selective surface absorber........................ 7-72 7-35. SPS radiator location trade, tube-fin construction............. 7-76 7-36. Radiator sizing sensitivity for option 1 location ................ 7-78 7-37. Power distribution efficiency chain, thermionic- Bray ton ...................................................................... 7-80