1976 NASA SPS Engineering and Economic Analysis Summary

7-13. SPS Crew for GEO Operations and Maintenance ............... 7-66 7-14. Summary Characteristics of Solar Thermal Concept with Spherical Reflector Facets and Thermionic- Brayton Conversion System................................ 7-74 7-15. Microwave Power System Efficiencies .................................. 7-85 7-16. Characteristics of 9 dB Microwave System............................ 7-88 8-1. Overview of Manned Participation ........................................... 8-11 8-2. Estimated Dose on Board Space Station (rem) ................... 8-14 8-3. Suggested Exposure Limits (rem) ........................................... 8-14 9-1. Material Requirement and Production..................................... 9-1 9-2. Energy Consumption for Production of SPS............................ 9-3 9-3. Description of Vehicles.................................................................. 9-8 9-4. Depot and Space Station Capacities for Photovoltaic SPS ............................................................................ 9-11 9-5. Mass Flow through Launch Sight for One Photovoltaic SPS............................................................................... 9-12 9-6. SPS Assembly Equipment and Facilities................................ 9-23 10-1. Program Requirements and Management Criteria............ 10-2 12-1. Performance Comparison of Aeromaneuvering Versus all Propulsive Orbit Transfer Vehicles......... 12-20 13-1. First Priority Environmental Effects................................... 13-2