1976 NASA SPS Engineering and Economic Analysis Summary

The estimated rem dosage for astronauts on board the space station or construction base is listed in Table 8-2. This is predicted for a 435 km orbit, and it is expected to be approximately the same for the geosynchronous orbit. The suggested exposure limit is given in Table 8-3. The alignment process of the SPS may involve the use of laser/reflector devices, turnbuckles, screw jacks, cables, or other tensioning apparatus to attain and maintain structural alignment. Extravehicular activity would possibly be required to finalize the alignment activities, or at least provide redundancy or a doublecheck. Safety measures should be taken to avoid astronaut pressure suit contact with the laser beam during alignment, the possibility of a tensioning cable breaking and striking an astronaut, and tearing of the pressure suit on sharp edges of the structure. Alignment of the antenna during power transmission is possibly the most serious safety problem of all to the astronauts. Some of the potential safety problems could be minimized by providing ''protective areas" or special protective containers for the astronaut to work in or move into during the more hazardous phases of the alignment. TABLE 8-2. ESTIMATED DOSE ON BOARD SPACE STATION (rem) TABLE 8-3. SUGGESTED EXPOSURE LIMITS (rem)