1976 NASA SPS Engineering and Economic Analysis Summary

12 . 0 SPS SUPPORTING PROGRAMS 12.1 SPACE CONSTRUCTION BASE (SPACE STATION) A space construction base will have the facilities to accommodate various manning levels; for erecting large structures; for the conduct of scientific experiments and for application operations such as materials processing, pharmaceuticals, and public service communications; and for basing and servicing transport vehicles and free-flying spacecraft. The early space construction base at LEO will have the facilities to provide limited capability in these areas for advanced technology verification, development, and demonstration. Limited production and operational capabilities may be provided in the area of materials processing and communications. The facility will provide for permanent occupancy by man in Earth orbit, for continuous development and use of space for industrial purposes, and for advanced development of space science and applications. The facility will provide a space laboratory environment for final systems development, assembly, modification, and verification beyond the capabilities of Earth-based facilities. The early construction base will be shuttle compatible and will provide for modular buildup. Larger diameter module elements may be required to support a larger capability construction base in the 1990's and beyond. 12.1.1 SCENARIOS AND CONCEPTS Various scenarios and basic concepts have been developed in response to the requirements for an early construction base at various levels of involvement. Emphasis has been placed on requirements during the 1983 through 1987 time period. In-house activities included tasks for development of basic core station module configurations including habitability and subsystems, mission support, and logistics elements. Preliminary concepts and configurations are being developed for a number of dedicated elements that may have production and/or commercial capability, such as material processing. Beam manufacturing and assembly modules, material storage modules, and construction platform concepts and preliminary configurations were developed in support of SPS verification and demonstration programs. Figures 12-1 through 12-4 are representative of an early space station construction base program and a basic module element. Preliminary analysis of a modular station buildup to accommodate up to 20 men could support construction of a subscale SPS and a public service platform program.