1976 NASA SPS Engineering and Economic Analysis Summary

critical logistics resupplies. The number of passengers that can be launched in the shuttle is more a function of cargo bay length available than weight lifting capability. The baseline shuttle (requiring one OMS kit) has 15.6 m of cargo bay length available, and it is estimated that a personnel module would contain 55 people. If the OMS kit was not required, approximately 70 people per flight could be accommodated in the shuttle cargo bay. 12.2.4 CARGO ORBITAL TRANSFER VEHICLE SYSTEM As described in subsection 12. 2.1, the orbital cargo transfer system options can be divided into two basic categories: (1) LEO assembly/payload powered systems, and (2) GEO assembly/independently powered systems. A discussion of each of these systems follows. 12. 2. 4. 1 LEO ASSEMBLY/PAYLOAD POWERED SYSTEMS Since electric power generation is inherent to the SPS or SPS assemblies, electric propulsion is a natural choice for at least initial consideration. There exists a large variety of electric propulsion types, but for the purpose of examining the range of capabilities available, three thruster types are evaluated: (1) ion, (2) magnetoplasmadynamic, and (3) resistojet. Characteristics of these thrusters are shown in Figure 12-12. Figure 12-12. Candidate electric thrusters.