1976 NASA SPS Engineering and Economic Analysis Summary

Figure 12-16. Typical aeromaneuvering orbital transfer vehicle concept. TABLE 12-1. PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF AEROMANEUVERING VERSUS ALL PROPULSIVE ORBIT TRANSFER VEHICLES unless a rapid trolley can be designed to operate on foil tracks. Some of this problem can be eliminated if an HLLV cargo depot and a beam fabrication facility is located on the jig, but this may not be compatible with rotations required by the flip-flop type of jig. For transportation of antenna materials from the depot to and across the rotary joint and to the antenna fabrication facilities, an elevator or cable car concept would probably suffice. Movement of subarrays across the antenna back surface should use the same type of trolley that will be routinely utilized to replace failed elements in the operational phase. Local transportation of personnel will be required for monitoring, damage surveillance, special extravehicular activity construction, alignment, or maintenance.