1976 NASA SPS Engineering and Economic Analysis Summary

Figure 14-6. Effects of structure cost on SPS economics. Cost trades have been performed in other areas such as the solar concentration ratio and the Z-solar versus X-POP array orientation. See subsection 7.1. 6. 5 for results of these trades. The design, development, test, and engineering costs of the unique SPS elements plus the other major hardware programs that support the SPS (e. g., the space construction base and the various new transportation elements) are shown in Table 14-2. It is not yet known which of these support programs costs are to be attributed solely or in part to the SPS program. TABLE 14-2. DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND ENGINEERING (MILLIONS OF 1976 DOLLARS) Satellite 5 150 • Solar Array 4 340 • Micro wave Antenna 810 Rectenna 470 Support Equipment 4 230 • Space Construction Base 2 890 • Fabrication and Assembly Equipment 1 340 Transportation 16 590 • HLLV 8 030 • Support Tugs 470 • Cargo Orbital Transfer 3 540 • Satellite Orbital Transfer 4 550 SPS Flight Demonstrations TBD