1976 NASA SPS Engineering and Economic Analysis Summary

1.3 PAST WORK The possibility of satellite power systems (SPS) as a potential new source of terrestrial energy was first postulated, analyzed, and published by Dr. P. E. Glaser in 1968 and patented in 1973 [1-3]. The George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) followed the evolution of Dr. Glaser's concept with great interest and proposed a major systems definition study in 1971. Consequently, MSFC, upon request by the NASA Office of Applications (OA), developed a ''Solar Power Utilization Plan" in early 1972, which was followed by a ''Twenty-Year Solar Power Development Plan" in the same year. Major systems studies were begun in 1974 and 1975, both under contract to industry and in-house by NASA [4-19]. This document is a status report of recent MSFC in-house study activities. These study efforts are a part of and follow an overall SPS program schedule, as shown in Table 1-1.