1976 NASA SPS Engineering and Economic Analysis Summary

2.0 STUDY OBJECTIVES AND GUIDELINES The satellite power system is envisioned as a supplemental source of energy for terrestrial applications late in the 20th century. This study has postulated program options and spacecraft designs that can lead to contributions of 10 to 30 percent of the total electric energy needs of the United States beginning in the 1990's. While considering the application of the SPS for the continental United States, some consideration has been given also to how the SPS migh* be utilized as an exportable resource. Future studies should explore more detailed implications of the SPS as a national exportable resource. Early study planning indicated a need to establish reference baseline designs to provide appropriate departure points for system sensitivity studies. These reference baselines included the photovoltaic, solar thermal, and nuclear concepts with major study emphasis being directed to the photovoltaic and solar thermal conversion concepts. The summary guidelines for the study were: • 10 GW power output at rectenna/utility power interface* • 20 mW/cm2 maximum power density at rectenna center • 30 year lifetime for system operation with a reasonable repair/ refurbishment/maintenance philosophy • One additional SPS brought into operation each year* • Each satellite to be assembled in low Earth orbit and transferred to geostationary orbit* • Assumption that a space station will be available in low Earth orbit to support assembly of the SPS and that some form of space station will be available in geostationary orbit to support operations and maintenance. After the preliminary study investigation, trade studies suggested that some of the initial guidelines (denoted by asterisks) be considered for change: • Basic design parameters indicated that 10 GW satellites would nominally have two or more microwave antennas, with some trade studies indicating that smaller satellites with one microwave antenna might be more economical.