1976 NASA SPS Engineering and Economic Analysis Summary

APPENDIX D FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE SATELLITE POWER SYSTEM CONCEPT1 The Space Division of Rockwell International is conducting a study of satellite power systems (SPS) for NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center under Contract No. NAS8-31161, titled ''Feasibility Study of the Satellite Power System Concept." Within the general guidelines of a mid-nineties IOC date with subsequent buildup of capability to provide up to 600 GW of power over the next 30 years, the principal objectives of the study are as follows: 1. To establish technical feasibility of the concept for acquiring solar energy in space, converting it to electricity, and transmitting it to a receiving antenna on Earth for distribution over conventional power lines. 2. To estimate costs associated with development, production, and operational emplacement to define the range of economic visibility for SPS. 3. To delineate systems hardware and operational processes which will require advancements in technology to ensure SPS program success. The study was begun on August 1, 1976, and is being conducted over a 5-1/ 2 month period. The first 4 months are devoted to the technical effort with presentation of final results scheduled for the end of November. The final month and a half will be used for preparation, review, and publication of the final report. Of the two solar energy conversion techniques, e. g., solar thermal and solar photovoltaic, the Rockwell study will investigate only the latter. To explore the potential of different systems hardware, design concepts, and operational approaches, Rockwell is analyzing the ''reference" 8 GW photovoltaic configuration shown in Figure D-l. This high-aspect-ratio concept was chosen to yield reduced operational propellant requirements for attitude control, to increase structural stiffness, and to remove potentially interfering structural members from the path of the radiated power to Earth. 1. Synopsis - NASA/MSFC Contract No. NAS8-32161.