1976 NASA SPS Engineering and Economic Analysis Summary

Cover 1
Title Page 3
Table of Contents 5
1.0 Introduction 21
1.1 Background 21
1.2 Potential Systems 23
1.3 Past Work 26
2.0 Study Objectives and Guidelines 29
3.0 Definition Of SPS Requirements 31
4.0 Determination Of SPS Program Elements 33
4.1 Satellite Power Station 33
4.2 Ground Receiving and Distribution Site 33
4.3 Manufacturing, Construction, and Maintenance Operations 33
4.4 Space Transportation 33
5.0 Definition Of SPS Concepts 35
5.1 Solar Photovoltaic 35
5.2 Solar Thermal Concentrator 38
5.3 Nuclear 41
5.4 Concept Comparison 41
6.0 Development Of SPS Tradeoff And Evaluation Critieria And Simulation Programs 47
6.1 SPS Tradeoff and Evaluation Criteria 47
6.2 Simulation Programs 47
7.0 Satellite Power Station 53
7.1 Photovoltaic Power Conversion System 53
7.2 Thermal Conversion System 120
7.3 Microwave Power System 137
8.0 Ground Receiving And Distribution Site 163
8.1 Requirements and Analyses 163
8.3 Power Conditioning, Distribution, and Utility Interfaces 170
8.4 System Safety 171
8.5 Required Technology Advancements 178
9.0 Resource Analysis And Fuel Consumption 179
9.1 Ground Operations 179
9.2 Transportation Operations 183
9.3 Manufacturing, Construction, and Maintenance Operations 194
10.0 Power Management 205
10.1 Requirements and Analysis 205
10.2 Management Concepts and Functions 205
10.3 Control Model 206
11.0 Summary Baseline Definition 211
11.1 Photovoltaic 211
11.2 Solar Thermal 213
11.3 Nuclear 213
12.0 SPS Supporting Program 215
12.1 Space Construction Base (Space Station) 215
12.2 Transportation 219
13.0 Environmental Effects Assembly 235
14.0 Program Cost And Economics 239
14.1 Introduction 239
14.2 Work Breakdown Structure 239
14.3 Ground Rules and Assumptions 241
14.4 Methodology 242
14.5 Cost Estimates 243
14.6 Economics 251
15.0 Program Plan, Technology Advancement Plan 261
15.1 Program Plan 261
15.2 Technology Development Plan 263
16.0 Conclusions 7
17.0 References 271
APPENDIX A: Space-Based Solar Power Conversion And Delivery Systems Study 275
APPENDIX B: Systems Definition - Space Based Power Conversion Systems 281
APPENDIX C: Application of Station-Kept Array Concepts To Satellite Solar Power Station Design 287
APPENDIX D: Feasability Study Of The Satellite Power System Concept 291