SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

MAPPING OF EXCLUSION AREAS FOR RECTENNA SITES I. INTRODUCTION In determining the overall feasibility of the Satellite Power System (SPS), many important issues must be analyzed in great detail. One major area of inquiry concerns where the receiving antennas for microwaves beamed from space can be located within the continental United States. As set forth in the reference design, these receiving antennas will require sites of approximately 50,000 acres each, with 60 such sites being required across the United States. These 60 sites, therefore, would require the dedication of approximately 3,000,000 acres of land for the receiving antennas exclusive of land required for transmission facilities, access roads and other activities related to the land use. The major purpose of this research effort was to determine where, or even if, 60 such sites existed. The approach utilized in this study was one of excluding land areas from consideration rather than seeking sites which had desirable characteristics. In other words, certain land areas cannot be considered as being eligible for rectenna sites since they already are dedicated land areas (as with existing cities and urban areas) or because of certain environmentally related characteristics that preclude other uses. If this set of variables can be determined and mapped, the land areas that were not mapped would emerge as "eligible" areas because no critical (or exclusion) variables were present in these areas. In conjunction with Allan Kotin, a set of important locational variables was compiled. These variables are included in the white paper on Resources by Allan Kotin, and an extensive list of references and a review of pertinent literature is also included in the Kotin Report. Even though the Kotin Report contains an extensive review of