SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

Several other alternatives should be considered in future work. First, no types of analysis besides overlay or sieve analysis have been perfoemed on the data presented in this report. At this time, it is difficult to state which additional types of analysis should be performed, if any, but the opportunity exists to more fully explore the information existing at this time. Second, those grid squares that are excluded on the basis of a single variable could be examined in more detail to determine which variable excludes that cell and to determine the limits of confidence ascribed to that variable. While this is not suggested throughout the United States, this procedure could be useful in certain regions with few sites. A final alternative for future work would be to integrate the legal/ regulatory study with this exclusion mapping effort. There are several reasons why this combination could be useful. First, the analysis of "eligible" areas will directly raise issues regarding state and local environmental policies. Second, the work pursued in this siting study has somewhat of a legal orientation that could be expanded in a future phase. Therefore, while the combination of the legal/regulatory research is not essential, it would certainly be compatible and perhaps desirable.