SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

pertinent aspects of the Satellite Powe/ System and the Rectenna, a short summary of certain characteristics is needed to place this locational work in a system context. Under the SPS, a large satellite in geosynchronous orbit at the equator beams microwaves to a receiving antenna on the earth's surface. The satellite and rectenna are sized for 5 gigawatts D.C. power output. The satellite consists of a flat solar array with a transmitting antenna (1 km diameter) on one end. The receiving antenna is elliptical n shape and is 13 km on tne north-south axis and 9 km on the east-west axis. This design is based upon a reference latitude of approximately 34 degrees north. The satellite's position in geosynchronous orbit means that the circular microwave beam will project an ellipse on the earth's surface anywhere but at the equator. Therefore, the north-south dimension of the rectenna will increase as a site moves north from the 34 degrees north reference posi tion. The receiving antenna is composed of a large number of 10 meter X 10 meter receiving panels. These panels are elevated in certain designs and are on the land surface in other designs. These panels, whether on the land surface or elevated, will cover approximately 25,000 acres. The power density at the center of the rectenna will be approximately 23 milliwatts per square centimeter with the power density diminishing to 1 milliwatt per square centimeter at the edge of the rectenna. Although the United States standard for microwave exposure is 10 mW/cn/, standards in other countries such as the Soviet Union are much more restrictive. For this reason, the reference site in the Kotin study and in this Rice University study contains a 2 km buffer zone surrounding the rectenna. This makes the configuration of the site a 17 km X 13 kn ellipse. The use of a 2 km buffer zone lowers the microwave power density to 0.1 mW/cm^ at the edge of the buffer. This level is 10 times higher than the Russian standard for non-occupational exposure. The current implementation plan calls for 60 such satel1ite/rectenna