SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

Selected References (Does not include Satellite Power System References - See Kotin Report on Resources) 1. Alexander C. and M. Manheim. The Use of Diagrams in Highway Route Locations. Publ. No. 61. Dept, of Civil Eng. M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass. March, 1962. 2. Cargo, D. and B. Mallory. Man And His Geologic Environment. 2nd Ed. Addison Wesley Publ. Co. Menlo Park, Ca. 1977. 3. Clarendon Press. Oxford Regional Economic Atlas: United States and Canada. Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1967. 4. Cohen, S. and S. C. Pieper. The Speakeasy - _3 Reference Manual-Level Mu. Report AHL-8000 Rev 2. Argonne Nat. Laboratories. Chicago, Ill. August 1977. 5. Council on Environmental Quality. Environmental Quality: 1976 - The Seventh Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality, Council on Environmental Quality. Washington, D. C. 1976. 6. Federal Register, Vol. 42. P. 47840. September 22, 1977. 7. Hopkins, L. D. "Methods of Generating Land Suitability Maps: A Comparative Evaluation". Amer. Inst, of Planners J., October, 1977. 8. Krauskopf, T. M. and D. C. Bunde. "Evaluation of Environmental Impacts Through Computer Modelling Process", in R. Ditton and T. Goodale, eds. Environmental Impact Analysis: Philosophy and Methods. Univ, of Wisconsin. Madison, Wisconsin. 1972. 9. Lewis, P. H. Recreation In Wisconsin. State Department of Resource Development. Madison, Wisconsin 1962. 10. McHarg, I. Design With Nature. The Natural History Press. Garden City, New York. 1967. 11. Rowe, P. G. et al. Principles For Local Environmental Management. Bal 1inger Press. Cambridge, Mass. 1978. 12. Rowe, P. G. and A. DeLeon-Fajardo. "LUFSAT-Land Use Feasibility Study Analysis Technique". DMG Journal. Vol. 6, No. 4. 1973. 13. Schlicting, R. D. "Data Base Manipulation In Speakeasy". Speakeasy Center. Argonne National Laboratories. Argonne Illinois. Unpublished, 1977. 14. Steinetz, C., et al. "Hand-Drawn Overlays: Their History and Prospective Uses". Landscape Architecture. September, 1976. 15. "The Amateur Scientist". Scientific American 230:122-127 (June, 1974). 16. United States Department of Agriculture. "Perspectives On Prime Lands". Background Papers For Seminar On The Retention of Prime Lands. July, 1975.