SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

II. METHODOLOGY The methodology utilized in this analysis consisted of three distinct steps. The first step involved the compilation and mapping of 36 data items. The second step involved the encoding of these 36 variables into Rice University 's computer system. At this stage, the 48 states were also coded and entered as data items. The third step involved sequentially overlaying variables to produce "synthesis" maps, representing compilations across specified variables. In this manner, a declining number of eligible areas were identified in each map. Further the impacts of the addition of certain new variables can be viewed directly. For each of these synthesis maps, a tabular summary was compiled which offered additional information concerning the grid cells that emerge as "eligible" A. MAPPING OF VARIABLES As mentioned earlier, the Rice University team worked with Allan Kotin in determining a list of important locational variables. Once these variables were identified, the mapping exercise was initiated. Those variables that are mapped and discussed subsequently in this paper are: Land and Water - Figure 4 Federal Lands - Figure 5 National Recreation Areas Indian Reservations Military Reservations Other Federal Lands National Forests - Figure 6 Population - Figure 7 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Population on Density Greater Than 50 persons/sq. mile Adjusted Population Density Marsh Vegetation - Figure 8 Wetlands - Figure 9 Topography Unacceptable - Figure 10 Open Mountains Hills Mountains