SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

would have been oesirable, it is the opinion of the Rice University research team that this resolution is sufficient to be meaningful from a locational standpoint. Therefore, all of the maps of these variables will be presented in a 26 km grid cell format. Figure 2 shows the gridded map of the United States. The mapping of the information at the grid cell level required a determination of the presence or absence of the variable from grid cells across the United States. Certain variables were coded as being present if any portion of the variable was indicated as being present within the grid cell whereas other variables were mapped as being present only if approximately 50% or more of the cell contained the variable. The discussion in Section III offers an explanation of the coding procedure on a variable by variable basis. Due to time constraints and/or data limitations, certain variables considered to be important from a locational standpoint were not mapped in this study. Those variables of concern that were not treated include: Local or State Owned Land (State and Local Parks) Poor Soils High Groundwater Table Highways Other Than Interstate Highways Airports and Air Approach Corridors Major Air Corridors Railroads Dust Storm Areas Wildlife Habitats (Other Than Designated Endangered Species) Very Poor Air Quality Near Major/Numerous RF Sources As will be explained in Section III, "Discussion of the Data", many of these variables are represented to some degree through other variables that were mapped. For instance, the mapping of Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas should include much of the land area that is dedicated to major airports and major air approach corridors, and would include major/numerous RF sources. Nonetheless, it is important to note that the above variables were not mapped independently.