SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

B. ANALYSIS OF THE DATA The analysis of the date consisted of two different yet complementary procedures. The first procedure concerned the decision on a variable by variable basis that (1) the variable was an absolute exclusion variable or (2) the variable was a potential exclusion variable. Due to the preliminary stage of the reference design, the analysis of the importance of most variables was from the perspective of the dedication of land areas for other uses. Generally, those variables that represented land uses that could not be preempted by the rectenna were identified as absolute exclusion variables. The remaining variables were treated as potential exclusion variables. Further, there are two types of potential exclusion variables. These are (1) variables that represent an environmental or resource constraint that may not be addressed through design modifications and (2) those variables that exhibit the capacity to exclude the reference system but that can be addressed through design modifications. At this time, it is difficult to speculate upon which of the non-design related potential exclusion variables will emerge as critical locational criteria. For example, many variables in this category are identified because of unique 1egal/institutional problems associated with their use (i.e., the use of Indian lands for sites) and others are identified due to the uncertainty of the microwave effects (i.e., the effects upon migratory waterfowl). Due to the disparity between such variables, the analytical approach is designed with an ability to aggregate and disaggregate the variabl es. The variables indicated as being design variables appear easier to assess. In many respects, these variables will cause design modifications if the rectenna is to be located in areas where these variables occur. In turn, addressing these variables will require additional dollars to be expended and modifications in the cost expectations relative to the rectenna will result. Therefore, these variables appear