SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

it displayed or integrated into a computational sequence in the appropriate manner. In addition to various spatial display characteristics, RAGIS also employs a relational data base management subsystem Culled Rspeak (Schlicting, 1977) which complements other existing analytical capabilities such as multi-variate clustering and factoring. The major importance of the relational data base management capabilities relates to the ability it offers in understanding or perceiving the results of the analysis vis a vis the raw data. One use of the relational capabilities will be to analyze the results of a certain analytical exercise with respect to other variables that were not utilized in the analysis directly. In other words, through the development of tables of data, one can gain many insights about analytical results independently from the information gained directly through the analysis. 2. Data Analysis In the determination of areas that are "eligible" for rectenna sites, the Rice University approach first identifies areas from which the rectenna would be excluded. The areas remaining after the exclusion area had been determined would be the "eligible" areas. This relatively simple concept is achieved through the use of overlay or sieve analysis. Generally, this technique requires that a list of environmental features be prepared and arranged so that features are ranked in order of assumed decreasing (or increasing) order of importance. In the case of this determination of exclusion areas, the absolute exclusion variables would be considered first with the potential exclusion variables and the design variables considered subsequently. These variables are displayed on transparent maps, and by overlaying these maps, the areas of composite shading becomes apparent. Unlike other uses whereby the darkness of the shading indicates the degree of developability (or non-developability), the approach utilized in this study weights all absolute exclusion variables equally. Therefore, the new set resulting from the union of mapped variable set A with