SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

mapped variable set B would be exclusion area 1. In this respect, the methodology utilized for this study differs from traditional studies such as those by Lewis (1962), Alexander and Manheim (1962) and McHarg (1969) because these planners were concerned with the intersection of the mapped variable sets and with interpretations of development suitability based upon the number of variables intersecting. Although the previously cited authors used map overlays rather than computer generated overlays, the applicability of a computer system to this type of analysis sould be obvious. Attempts ;o computerize the approach are fairly numerous (Ward and Grant, 1970; Krauskopf and Bunde, 1972; Rowe and DeLeon, 1973), and several recent attempts to innovate the basic technique are well summarized by Hopkins (1976). Therefore, the approach utilized for data analysis will be as follows. First, an initial overlay map will be composed by containing five variable sets to determine their cumulative coverage. This initial overlay will result in overlay Map 1, which will become a new variable. This resultant map will have shaded areas (exclusion areas) and white areas (eligible areas). A statistical profile will then be generated (utilizing the Rspeak capabilities) which will describe the number of eligible sites (grid cells) by state, and this table will also contain information about some of the design variables such as the number of eligible sites above 40 degrees north latitude, the number of sites subject to acid rain, etc. Then, Exclusion Map 1 will be added to variable 6 to form Exclusion Map 2. The same statistical profile will then be used to describe the eligible areas. Then, additional variables will be added until several exclusion maps, each being more restrictive, will be compiled. In this manner, the effects of certain variables will be clearly identified. Finally, these exclusion maps will be overlayed with at least one and possibility two informational maps that will place the resulting