SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

shown, although an international border does bisect the mapped waters. Reliability of the Data: The base map from which the land and water areas were drawn was Richard Edes Harrison's map titled "Shaded Relief", wnich was published by the United States Geological Survey in the National Atlas of the United States. The map was drawn at a scale of 1:7,500,000, and 1" was equal to approximately 118 miles. The coding decision with respect to land areas leads to an over representation of the land area of the United States. Therefore, the sum of the grid cells identified as land would represent a slightly larger land area than is actually to be found in the Continental United States. The only water areas mapped were coastal waters and the Great Lakes. Therefore, water areas are underrepvesented both with respect to coastal boundaries and with respect to smaller lakes within the borders of the United States. Nonetheless, the information from which the map was drawn is considered to be highly reliable. Spatial Coverage: Al shown in Figure 4, land consists of 11699 grid cells. Because this map will be used as a reference map for coding purposes, the total number of grid cells available for coding of information is 11699. B. FEDERAL LANDS - FIGURE 5 In Figure 5, a map of the lands under federal ownership is presented. Four distinct variables are displayed in the map. These are (a) National Recreation Areas; (b) Indian Reservations, (c) Military Reservations, and (d) Other Federal Lands. This map was assembled directly from a map which had all four variables of concern, and Figure 5 was compiled by first scoring grid cells over National Recreation Areas, then scoring Indian Reservations, then military reservations and then other federal 1ands. 1. National Recreation Areas Rationale: Certain federal lands have been dedicated to