SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

reservations, such as the Alabama-Coushatta reservation north of Houston, Texas, are absent from this map, indicating that a size threshold was used by the USGS in assembling the "Federal Lands" map. Therefore, certain other smaller reservations may not be mapped. This variable was also coded as being present if the reservation appeared in the grid cel 1. Spatial Coverage: The areas identified as Indian Reservations are present in 558 grid cells. 3. Military Reservations Rationale: Two reasons exist for mapping military reservations. First, certain military reservations may not be desirable sites because sensitive radio and telecommunications equipment could be subject to radio frequency interference from the rectenna. Second, certain military reservations may have substantial acreages that are removed from population centers. These latter areas may provide excellent sites whereas the former would be undesirable sites. Therefore, military reservations are mapped and are considered as potential exclusion and potential inclusion areas. Reliability of the Data: The information appearing on Map 4 was also obtained from the previously cited "Federal Lands" map. This data is considered reliable, but the utility of the generic classification (military reservation) is questionable. A more detailed investigation of military reservations will be necessary prior to determining the proper interpretation to ascribe to this generic land use type. Again, the variable was coded as being present if the land use were in a cell. Spatial Coverage: The areas identified as military reservations are present in 175 grid cells. 4. Other Federal Lands Rationale: Other Federal lands were mapped for consideration as an inclusion variable. These lands are either wholly or partially