SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

Spatial Coverage: 5332 grid cells are indicated as lying north of the 40 degree latitude line. 0. WINDS GREATER THAN 50 KNOTS - FIGURE 20 Rationale: In certain of the documentation concerning the design of the rectenna, it was stated that the rectenna would be designed for wind speeds less than or equal to 90 mph. At the data gathering stage, this information was not directly available. Therefore, a "proxy" variable was developed from a NOAA document titled "Climates of the United States". This "proxy" variable was titled % winds over 50 knots, with two areas being mapped. These were areas where winds were over 50 knots for 2% of the year and areas where winds were over 50 knots 1% of the year. Although this variable does not directly apply to the 90 mph criteria, it offers some idea of the spatial dimension of the wind issue. Reliability of the Data: The map titled winds over 50 knots was developed from a NOAA publication titled "Climates of the United States". The data was extrapolated from a map indicating the number of days over a thirteen year period which had winds of greater than 50 knots. This data was reduced to a % form, indicating the % of a year with winds over 50 knots. This extrapolation was an attempt to offer an order of magnitude difference between various regions of the United States with respect to wind. This data does not include information relative to hurricanes, which have their primary influence on the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts. This variable needs further work prior to the project team having confidence that it directly relates to the issue of the ability of the rectenna to withstand high winds. Spatial Coverage: 1667 grid cells are mapped as being subject to to 50 knot winds more than 2% of a year and 4810 grid cells are mapped as being subject to 50 knot winds more than 1% of a year.