SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

4. Summary Map 4: This map was composed by overlaying Summary Map 3 with National Forests. 5. Summary Map 5: This map was composed by overlaying Summary Map 4 with Indian Reservations. 6. Summary Map 6: This map was composed by overlaying Summary Map 5 with Endangered Species' Habitats. 7. Summary Map 7: This map was composed by overlaying Summary Map 6 with Interstate Highways. 8. Summary Map 8: This map was composed by overlaying Summary Map 7 with Land In Cultivation (both irrigated and cropland). 9. Summary Map 9: This map was composed by overlaying Summary Map 8 with Land Suitable For Cultivation. 10. Summary Map 10: This map was composed by overlaying Summary Map 7 with Flyways of Migratory Waterfowl. 11. Summary Map 11: This map was composed by overlaying Summary Map 7 with Seismic Hazards. In addition to the 11 summary maps, each summary map is followed by a grid square profile. This grid square profile was compiled upon the "eligible" areas emerging from each synthesis map. The "eligible" areas are those areas that are not marked by an "X" on the summary map, or the white areas. The information contained in the grid square profile is as fol 1ows: 1. States: All eligible areas are broken down on a state by state basis, with the total number of cells in the eligible areas being reported. 2. Land: The number of grid cells in the "eligible" areas are set out in this column. Additionally, the total number of cells for the United States are compiled at the bottom of the column. 3. Percent of Total Land Area: This percentage represents the relationship of the eligible cells to the total cells as a percent.