SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

4. Over 40 Degree Latitude: The number of grid cells lying north of the 40 degree latitude line are set forth in this column. 5. Federal Land Ownership: The number of eligible cells that are (1) on military reservations and (2) in other federal lands (- national parks) category are displayed in this column. 6. Windstorms Over 50 Knots: The number of eligible cells that are subject to windstorms over 50 knots are shown in this column, broken down with respect to a 1% and 2% occurrence of windstorms. 7. Hail: The number of eligible cells that are subject to Hail are shown in this column. 8. Thunderstorms: The number of eligible cells subject to thunderstorms are shown in this column. 9. Sheet Rainfall: The number of eligible cells subject to sheet rainfall are shown in this column. 10. Acid Rainfall: The number of eligible cells subject to acid rainfall are shown in this column, both with respect to pH from 4.0 to 5.0 and with respect to pH less than 4.0. It is important to remember that this grid square profile summary is not a profile of the entire state with respect to the identified variables. Instead, it is a profile of the "eligible" cells within the state. Therefore, if an entire state was excluded through the overlaying of the exclusion variables, the number of "eligible" cells would be zero and the statistical analysis of those cells would also be zero. A state by state summary across all variables is included in Appendix A. Finally, it is important to recognize that "eligible" cells are not necessarily proper sites for rectennas. The only meaning to be given to these areas is that they were not excluded on the basis of the exclusion criteria used to assemble the summary map. Therefore, these are the areas that are not eliminated.