SPS Mapping of Exclusion Areas For Rectenna Sites DOE 1978

Cover 1
Title Page 3
Acknowledgements 5
Executive Summary 7
Table of Contents 9
I. Introduction 11
II. Methodology 15
A. Mapping of Variables 15
B. Analysis of the Data 21
1. Data Encoding, Storage, Access and Display: 22
2. Data Analysis 25
III. Discussion of the Variables 27
A. Land and Water - Figure 1 27
B. Federal Lands - Figure 5 29
1. National Recreation Areas 29
2. Indian Reservations 31
3.Military Reservations 32
4.Other Federal Lands 32
C. National Forests - Figure 6 33
D. Population - Figure 7 35
1. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's) 37
2. Population Density Greater than 50 Persons per Square Mile 39
3. Adjusted Population Distribution 40
E. Wetlands - Figures 8 and 9 41
1. Marshes - Figure 8 44
2. Wetlands - Figure 9 44
F. Topography Unacceptable - Figure 10 44
G. South Slopes - Figure 11 46
H. Navigable Waterways - Figure 12 48
I. Intrstate Highways - Figure 13 48
J. Endandered Species Habitats - Figure 14 51
K. "Prime Agricultural Lands" - Figures 15 and 16 53
L. Flyways of Migratory Waterfowl - Figure 17 57
M. Seismic Hazards - Figure 18 59
N. 40 Degree Latitude - Figure 19 61
0. Winds Greater Than 50 Knots - Figure 20 63
P. Number of Days with Hail - Figure 21 65
Q. Number of Days Thunderstorms - Figure 22 65
R. Sheet Rainfall - Figure 23 68
S. Acid Rain - Figure 24 68
T. States - Figure 25 71
U. Conclusion 71
IV. Analysis of the Data 73
Summary Map 1 76
Summary Map 2 79
Summary Map 3 82
Summary Map 4 85
Summary Map 5 88
Summary Map 6 91
Summary Map 7 94
Summary Map 8 97
Summary Map 9 100
Summary Map 10 103
Summary Map 11 106
V. Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Work 109
Appendix A 113
Appendix B 117
References 121