SPS International Agreements - Detailed

3. INTERNATIONAL SPACE LAW AND THE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES: ORBITAL POSITIONS ........................ 73 3.1 The Orbital Position as a World Natural Resource . 73 3.2 The Debate over the Number of Orbital Positions . 73 3.3 The Application of International Space Law.to Orbital Use............................. 82 3.4 Preferential Claims to the Orbit Resource .... 89 3.5 Sovereign Claims to the Orbit Resource: The Bogota Declaration of December 3, 1976 . 94 3.6 Consideration of the Bogota Declaration by COPUOS 3.7 Present Use of the Geostationary Orbital Position is Lawful....................... 106 4. INTERNATIONAL SPACE LAW AND THE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES: SOLAR ENERGY......................................... 109 4.1 Solar Energy as a Source of Power............... 109 4.2 Legalization of Use of Moon Resources by SPS ... Hl 4.3 The 1967 Principles Treaty and High Altitude Solar Energy............................. 114 4.4 Present Interest of COPUOS in Legal Use of Solar Energy............................. 121 5. THE SPS AND STANDARDS RELATING TO EXPOSURE TO MICROWAVES.................. 123 5.1 Transmission to Earth by Microwave of Solar Energy.................................... 123 5.2 Protection Against Possible Harms from Microwaves 124 5.3 Efforts to Establish Protective Standards: Institutions ............................. 128 5.4 Efforts to Establish Protective Standards: Policies.................................. 129 5.5 The 1967 Principles Treaty and the Duty to Consult 130 6. LIABILITY FOR THE OPERATION OF THE SPS AND ITS COMPONENT PARTS ....................................... 135 6.1 Genesis of Liability Concepts in Space Law .... 135 6.2 Liability Provisions in the 1967 Treaty: Article 7................................ 141 6.3 Relationship Between Articles 7 and 9........... 142 6.4 The Liability for Damages Convention of 1972 . . . 144 6.4.1 Non-Violation by Placing SPS into Geostationary Orbit .......... 147 6.4.2 Incurrence of Liability from Microwave Radiation..................... 152 6.4.3 Harmful Interference and the Matter of Damages . . .............. 160 6.5 International Law Applies to Harms Caused to SPS . 164