SPS International Agreements - Detailed

Page 7. PROSPECTS FOR A NEW INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPACE ENVIRONMENT LAW....................................... 167 7.1 Proposals for a Space Law Conference............. 167 7.2 Different Assessments Regarding the Worth of a Conference......................... 168 7.3 Factors Involved in the Convening of a Conference 171 7.3.1 Negotiation of the 1967 Principles Treaty: Lessons ............ 173 7.3.2 Difficulties in the Negotiations of Agreements: Other Illustrations . . . 175 7.4 Characteristics of a Possible Nev/ International Space Organization...................... 180 7.5 A Final Comment on Conference Strategies ......... 188 8. CONCLUSION.............................................. 193 9. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY ........................... 201 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................... 215 APPENDIXES A. Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, January 27, 1967 ................................... 231 B. Bogota Declaration, December 3, 1976 ................. 243 C. Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, March 29, 1972 ......... 251 D. Table of States Bound by Relevant International Agreements.......................................... 267 E. List of Nations Which are Signatory to All Three Treaties (1967 Principles, 1972 Liability, 1973 ITU) . 273 F. Nations by Area Which are Signatory to Three Treaties (1967 Principles, 1972 Liability, 1973 ITU).... 275 G. Equatorial Nations and Four Treaties (1967 Principles, 1971 WARC, 1972 Liability, and 1973 ITU)........ 277 H. Time Frame Chart for Negotiation of Treaties ......... 279 I. Time Frame Chart for Establishment of International Organizations ..................................... 281 J. Time Frame Chart Consolidating Appendixes H and I . . 283 K. Subjects for Further Study ............................ 285