SPS International Agreements - Detailed

geostationary space objects are in orbit. If, as is believed to be the case, the geostationary orbital level is not a wholly limited natural resource because of the elastic ways in which it can be used, then the supposed conflicts between the equatorial and space resource States may certainly be fanciful. Indeed, it may not be possible to determine this fact unless and until the space resource States put at least one SPS into operation. Moreover, it is quite possible that the claims now being put forward by the equatorial States, apparently designed to allow them to license the use of the orbital slots to the space resource States, could be satisfied in other ways. Rather than contemplating a bilateral relationship by the users and those claiming sovereignty, it is possible that the world community will establish methods and institutions for the allocation of benefits derived from the exploration and use of the space environment. The Principles Treaty speaks of the need to consider the well-being of the entire community through the implementation of the province of mankind concept. The law of the sea negotations have confronted the need to take into account the Common Heritage of Mankind concept. By the end of this century or in the next, it may be possible to employ such concepts in such a way as to favor the national-interest contentions now being raised by the equatorial States as well as to effect an equitable distribution of outer space resources and benefits to both soace resource and non-space resource States and peoples.