SPS International Agreements - Detailed

Chapter Seven PROSPECTS FOR A NEW INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPACE ENVIRONMENT LAW 7.1 Proposals for a Space Law Conference Not all States consider a full review of the current state of the international law of the space environment to be premature. Beginning in 1974 there have been proposals by a number of States for a conference on either space applications or outer space matters. A number of forums conceivably exist for the development of space law. Attention has previously been called to the role of the UN through COPUOS and the ITU. In 1968 the UN sponsored a Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space in Vienna. Although some States have actively urged a new conference along the 1968 lines, other States have resisted the suggestions. In arriving at a decision to convene such a conference there are policy issues relating to possible outcomes as well as timing to be considered. Important national wants and needs would undoubtedly be placed on the agenda including issues affecting the effective operation of a SPS and the possible formation of a formal regulatory regime affecting peaceful uses of and activities taking place in the space environment. The Scientific and Technical Sub-committee of COPUOS in 1974 recommended that the views of UN members be obtained regarding the convening of a UN conference on space applications. This was endorsed by COPUOS. This resulted in an inquiry by the Secretary-General to members