SPS International Agreements - Detailed

In 1959, the Ad Hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space took into account the need to effect a definition of outer space. By 1978, this subject was still before COPUOS, but under the title "Questions relating to the definition and/or delimitation of outer space and outer space activities, also bearing in mind questions relating to the geostationary orbit." As seen above, this is an exceedingly complex and highly charged legal-political issue. An immediate resolution of this issue is not predicted. In 1961, the General Assembly adopted Resolution 1721 (XVI) in which it was observed that "communications by means of satellites should be available to the nations of the world as soon as practicable on a global and non-discriminatory basis," and that "there is a need to prepare the way for the establishment of effective operation satellite communications." However, it was not until December 1966, that the General Assembly gave its approval to the formation of a Working Group to inquire into direct broadcasting by satellite. At the present time, the Legal Subcommittee of COPUOS is engaged in elaborating a set of draft principles governing the use by States of artificial earth satellites for direct television broadcasting. Some States have taken the position that the agreement should provide that States may impose restraints--in effect, requiring State consent prior to broadcasting--upon broadcasts. This has resulted in an impasse, in part, because of the commitment of the United States to freedom of expression. In 1968, the General Assembly in adopting Resolution 2453B (XXIII) made formal reference to remote sensing. At the present time, the Legal Sub-committee of COPUOS is endeavoring to produce a treaty dealing with