SPS International Agreements - Detailed

. peaceful purposes. When it was recognized that the world's supply of fissionable materials was greater than first estimated, such materials became commodities on international markets. Thus, the IAEA has not become the principal international supplier that had been contemplated. The IAEA has coordinated its activities with the UN, and has rendered technical assistance to the LDCs in the use of atomic energy. Member States are not obliged to satisfy their requirements for atomic materials only from the IAEA. From the structural point of view, the IAEA operates through a General Conference, a Board of Governors, and a large, technically qualified Secretariat. The chief administrative officer is titled Director General. There are presently 32 members on the Board of Governors. Their selection is based on a complex formula designed to assure that countries with differing needs and wants will be equitably represented. Unlike many international organizations, the Board of Governors possesses important operating authority. The Board is responsible to the General Conference. Despite the need for the conference that wrote the Statute to deal with technical matters, and despite the rather novel authority conferred on the Board of Governors, it took less than four years to move this organization from the drawing board into reality. Article 3, paragraph 1. 8 UST 1093, TIAS 3833. The 1956 Statute provided for a Council of 25 members. This was modified in 1961 (8 UST 1095, TIAS 5284), and again in 1970 (24 UST 1637, TIAS 7668). With the 1970 change the Board of Governors is to consist of 32 members drawn from eight regions of the world. It should be noted that regional representation on the governing councils of international organizations is now regarded as a fair way to effect allocations of memberships.