SPS International Agreements - Detailed

eight more States signed. Both INTERSPUTNIK and INTELSAT brought with them their own institutional arrangements. The International Maritime Satellite System (INMARSAT) is the newest international organization dealing with outer space matters. INMARSAT was first suggested at the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) in the early 1970s. A draft convention was negotiated between 1972 and 1974 by IMCO1s Panel of Experts on Maritime Satellites. A formal conference was convened in 1975. Efforts failed to work out differing viewpoints among the members of IMCO. However, a second session of the Conference met between February 9 and February 28, 1976. With the benefit of documents prepared by an intersessional Working Group, and following comprehensive discussions, the major terms of the agreement were finalized on February 27, 1976. However, several issues were not resolved. One related to voting rights. Others were more technical and included the possibility of declaring reservations and the languages to be employed in the working sessions of the new institutions. A third session of the Conference finally reached agreement on September 3, 1976. The Council of INMARSAT serves as the principal administrative arm of the organization. Membership on the Council is to be based on the principle of equal geographical representation with due regard for the interests of the LDCs. Some of the seats on the Council are reserved to States on the basis of their investment shares in the undertaking. International Cooperation in Outer Space: A Symposium, Commi11ee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, United States Senate, Document No. 92-57, 92nd Cong., 1st Sess., pp. 437-441 (1971). The Council is to consist of 18 representatives of signatories having the largest investment shares in INMARSAT. Additionally, there will be four members elected by the Assembly, which is to be composed of all of the parties. The four are to be elected without regard to their