SPS International Agreements - Detailed

The Director-General is appointed by the Council upon the nomination of members. Issues to come before INMARSAT have been identified as procedural and substantive. Procedural matters must obtain the approval of a majority of members present and voting. Substantive matters can also be approved by a majority of votes cast by the members present and voting, but in this situation it will be necessary for the majority to include at least two-thirds of the weighted votes of the qualified voting constituencies. The common structural characteristics of INTELSAT, INTERSPUTNIK, and INMARSAT have been found to be influenced by their economic goals. Thus, these three enterprises are "structured as traditional administrative or regulatory intergovernmental organizations." It has been suggested that the structure of these operating entities should not follow political or bureaucratic models but rather should be based on a corporate model. This was explained as following the "investment/use" principle, thereby representing "when translated into the form of an investment share, the fundamental determinant of the extent of each participant's financial 25 rights and obligations as well as of his voting and management rights." When the world community has endeavored to establish a new international organization to deal with the resources of the ocean, the process investment shares. By this procedure it was hoped to honor the principle of just geographical representation taking into account the interests of the LDCs. U.N. Doc. A/AC.105, 169, p. 2, March 16, 1976. See also Nandasiri Jasentuliyana, "The Establishment of an International Maritime Satellite Sys tern," 2 Annals of Air and Space Law 323 (1977). Wulf von Kries, "Key Features of International Satellite Enterprises," Proceedings of the 19th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, p. 310 (1977T 25Ibid.