SPS International Agreements - Detailed

World institutions are slow to be conceived and brought into effective operation. As needs for solar energy increase, and if the world community is overly slow in developing regimes that can take into account the province of mankind or common heritage of mankind concepts, then it is quite likely that the resource States will have to proceed alone or with similarly situated and motivated countries to obtain their energy from geostationary orbital level. Even though this scenario may be the first to be placed into effect, nonetheless, it may be anticipated that ultimately a world regime will have a certain amount of authority regarding both orbital slots and the resource of solar energy, per se. The kind of authority to be granted to such a regime can take on many colorations. This issue is not likely to be resolved in the forthcoming UN Conference on Space Applications or Outer Space Matters. When such a regime does come into existence, if it does, a decision will have to be made whether it should be associated with the UN or whether it would have a more independent status.