SPS International Agreements - Detailed

frequency bands for space radio services that "radio frequencies and the geostationary satellite orbit are limited natural resources, that they must be used efficiently and economically so that countries or groups of countries may have equitable access to both in conformity with the provisions of the Radio Regulations according to their needs and the technical facilities at their disposal." Thus, to the province of mankind concept has been added the further requirement that this resource must be used equitably, efficiently, and economically. From the perspective of international law and organization the question must be asked and answered: Who may use such resources? Under what conditions may such resources be used? The answers will be found in existing legal and political constraints. And, as the law is a living institution in a living society, the answers will also be found in future developments. The following constitutes an early effort to provide some of the answers. Throughout the methodology will be to examine relevant facts, often in a most detailed and precise fashion. Conclusions drawn from such facts will then be put forward. TIAS 8572. This agreement entered into force for the United States on April 7, 1976.