SPS International Agreements - Detailed

roles to play. Within these structures the executive and legislative branches will fix policies, and they will be aided by administrative agencies, such as the Federal Communications Commission. In dealing with so large and varied interests--frequently competing-- there will be a need for a comprehensive and ongoing presentation of f scientific-technological and political-legal facts. This can only be accomplished if a versatile research program is continued. With the dissemination of the results of studies such as this it will be possible for authoritative decision makers to arrive at valid decisions. As has been noted, facts are illusive and they tend to change. Consequently, continuing research and the publication of findings will be required. In the United States congressional hearings are useful in calling attention to wants and needs. At the world level there is a pressing need to bring facts to the attention of delegates to international conferences, especially to representatives of the LDCs. However, it is frequently too late to obtain changes in national policies at the time of the convening of such conferences. There is a need that such research findings be supplied to foreign governments and to the secretariats of international organizations as soon as the findings are available. Mere dissemination may not be enough. This White Paper has called attention to the belief on the part of many that a more substantial world regime than now exists should be created in order to deal with the uses of and activities in the space environment. An assessment of such expectations will require a very substantial effort. The problems encompassed here are numerous and complex. There is a very considerable urgency to obtain clarification