SPS International Agreements - Detailed

on existing issues. It may be decided, after suitable reflection, that the present regime is adequate both for the near and the more distant future. On the other hand, the consistent rendering of the theme for a new instrumentality makes it imperative to examine its potential function and its prospects. Among the issues that will have to be examined, and possibly resolved, are: authority conferred on it in its charter, universality as opposed to the formation of regional bodies, relationship with existing international institutions, and the acceptability of such an agency to States, including particularly the space-resource countries. The charter terms of such an entity would include substantive matters such as whether it was to be a regulatory body or whether it was to serve more as a consultative instrumentality; whether, for example, it would be assigned the power to allocate orbital slots to States that might insist on the right to use and reuse the same orbital position; whether, in the event of competing demands for the transmission of solar energy by microwave as opposed to the transmission on the same frequencies of words or symbols, the regime could make preferred allocations; whether the powers of the body should be intentionally quite modest at the outset, with the assumption being that as it proved its capacity to regulate or offer wise consultation that its power would be extended; whether its powers would relate only to the allocation of preferred orbital positions; whether its powers would be large enough for it to make disposition of the world solar energy resource; whether in so doing it would be able to measure the wants and needs of States making special claims, such as the equatorial States or the LDCs, based on the size of their populations,