SPS International Agreements - Detailed

concern. Substantive expectations need to be analyzed with this in mind. One way to allow the proposed conference to focus on space law or application would be to induce the private scientific community to support the objective of supplying the Earth with solar energy. One of the great attributes of the International Geophysical Year was the initiative and leadership evidenced by scientists acting as individuals and without direction from national governments. As individuals, and through their respective scientific societies, all collected together in the International Council of Scientific Unions, they were able to advance human knowledge and the cause of international understanding. Will it be possible to mobilize this worldwide community in support of the gathering and bringing to Earth of solar energy in "wholesale" amounts? The Council's Committee on Space Research has provided technical information to COPUOS, but what is now suggested is a greater involvement on the part of such private individuals in the national and international political process. Ultimately, their influence will be felt in the issues here under consideration. What role might they be willing to play, and how soon? What can governments do to encourage such voluntary involvements? One of the functions of the world scientific community will be to supply facts as to whether the spectrum/orbit is in reality a limited resource. Since the ITU has defined the resource as a limited natural resource, States have expressed the fear that the advanced States will establish monopolies. The concerns of the non-resource States are very real that the advanced States will make use of their scientific and technological capabilities in order to reserve such energy resources