SPS International Agreements - Detailed

It is also suggested that international short-range inquiries should be made respecting the possibility that microwaves can, in fact, produce harms. At the world level this could be undertaken by the WHO in collaboration with both public and private international bodies. At home the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, in cooperation with many other interested governmental and private groups could be encouraged to focus on the subject. At the international level the ITU should be encouraged to continue its assessment of the accuracy of microwave beams. National bodies should work independently and consult with the ITU. As the ITU readies for the 1979 WARC and the 1982 regional conference all involved United States governmental bodies should be studying the positions to be advanced. In such planning it would be expected that suitable consultations would be carried on with other States having interests common to those of the United States. Suitable preparations will also have to be made for the proposed UN Conference on Space Law and Applications. The policy positions of the United States, if they are to be soundly based, require research appraisals of the kind set forth in this White Paper. Such policy positions require a high degree of coordination at home between agencies and levels of government and experts in the areas of science, technology, law and politics. An intelligent blend of facts and values can and ought to be the ingredients of our decisional process.