SPS International Agreements - Detailed

The 1965 and the 1973 Conventions in identical language made provision for the use of Administrative Conferences by the ITU. The World Administrative Radio Conference is one of such bodies. The agenda of such a conference may allow for the partial revision of preexisting Administrative Regulations, the complete revision of one or more of those Regulations, and "any other question of a worldwide character within the competence of the conference. Following agreement on the management of radio activities the terms in the form of "Radio Regulations" are submitted to participating States for ratification. Upon ratification the agreement has the force of law. The International Frequency Registration Board (IFRB) of the ITU performs important functions. Pursuant to Article 13 of the 1965 Convention and Article 10 of the 1973 Convention the five independent members of the IFRB are to be elected in such a way as to ensure equitable distribution among the regions of the world. Moreover, they are expected to exercise their functions "not as representing their respective countries, or of a region, but as custodians of an international public trust." Since the precise duties of the members of the IFRB are not always accurately presented, it will be helpful to quote the language of the Conventions. Both conventions recite that the "essential duties" of the IFRB shall be: (a) to effect an orderly recording of frequency assignments made by the different countries so as to establish, in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Radio Article 7 of the respective Conventions. Article 13, 1965 Convention; Article 10, 1973 Convention.