SPS International Agreements - Detailed

2. Any vacancy which may arise in the Commission for whatever reason shall be filled by the same procedure adopted for the original appointment. 3. The Commission shall determine its own procedure. 4. The Commission shall determine the place or places where it shall sit and all other administrative matters. 5. Except in the case of decisions and awards by a singlemember Commission, all decisions and awards of the Commission shall be by majority vote. ARTICLE XVII No increase in the membership of the Claims Coranission shall take place by reason of two or more claimant States or launching States being joined in any one proceeding before the Commission. The claimant States bo joined shall collectively appoint one member of the Commission in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as would be the case for a single claimant State. When two or more launching States are so joined, they shall collectively appoint one member of the Commission in the same way. If the claimant States or the launching States do not make the appointment within the stipulated period, the Chairman shall constitute a single-member Commission. ARTICLE XVIII The Claims Commission shall decide the merits of the claim for compensation and determine the amount of compensation payable, if any.