SPS International Agreements - Detailed

geostationary satellite orbit. Although the 1973 Convention focused on the need for radio frequencies for satellites, this subject was also considered in 1965. Resolution 24 of the 1965 Montreux Conference is entitled "Telecommunication and the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space." Resolution 24 called attention to United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 1721 (XVI) and 1962 (XVII) which had stated that satellite telecommunication should be available to all nations on a global and non-discriminatory basis and had identified important legal principles relating to the conduct of States in the exploration and use of the space environment. The concept that the space environment constituted a global natural resource available on a widely distributed basis was reflected in a call upon the members of the ITU to promote the principle that "all countries should have equal opportunity to use space telecommunication facilities." 2.4 The Governmental Process of the ITU To facilitate the implementation of the purposes of the Conventions each made reference to the use of and the binding force of ITU Regulations, and Administrative Regulations.^ Both Conventions provided that ratification or accession "involves acceptance of the Administrative Regulations in force at the time of ratification or accession." Article 42 of the 1973 Convention identifies the force of such regulations, namely, "The International Telecommunication Conference (Montreux, 1965) Resolution No. 24, at p. 204. Article 15 of the 1965 Convention. Articles 42 and 43 of the 1973 Convention.