SPS International Agreements - Detailed

APPENDIX K SUBJECTS FOR FURTHER STUDY Short Range (1 to 5 years) NATIONAL FOCUS INTERNATIONAL FOCUS 1. Build Favorable Public Opinion 2. Scientific Facts 3. Legal Situation Status of res communis Principle Influence of Bogota Declaration Assessment of "Mankind" Concepts Common Heritage of Mankind Province of Mankind Proposed Moon Treaty Natural Resources Common Heritage of Mankind Revision of Article 4 (2), Principles Treaty, Application to Outer Space, per se National Security Interception of SPS Political: Congressional Hearings Scientific: Professional Bodies Legal: Professional Bodies American Society of International Law American Bar Association American Branch, International Law Assoc. American Branch, International Institute of Space Law COPUOS ICSU, IAF Foreign International Law Associations Foreign Bar Associations International Law Association International Institute Space Law ITU, COPUOS, COSPAR ITU, COPUOS, COSPAR, IAF WHO, ICSU, International Organization for Standards COSPAR, IAF Global Data Processing System Global Telecommunication System International Federation for Information Processing COPUOS, UN Conference on Space Law COPUOS, UN Conference on Space Law, OAS COPUOS, 3rd UN Conference on The Law of the Sea UN Conference on Space Law COPUOS, UN Conference on Space Law COPUOS, UN Conference on Space Law Bilateral Negotiations, USA and USSR, Other Space Resource States MHz Spectrum Availability Orbit Availability, Problem of Limits Microwave Damage Potential, Preparation of Draft International Agreement Space Debris Perfection of Means to Acquire and to Disseminate Data