SPS International Agreements - Detailed

Subjects for Further Study Page Two NATIONAL FOCUS Jamming of Microwaves Rights of Natural Persons and International Intergovernmental Organizations Construction of ITU Convention, Article 33, Efficient Use, Economic Use, Equitable Access Assessment of International Agreements on Solar Energy INTERNATIONAL FOCUS COPUOS, UN Conference on Space Law ITU Members UN Secretariat, COPOUS, COSPAR 4. Policies for Multinational Conferences Preparation for Scheduled Conferences 1978 UN Conference on Technical Cooperation Among Developing Nations 1979 WARC, role of ITU on allocation of Orbital Positions Late 1970s, UN Conference on Science and Technology for Development 1982 (approx.) Region 2 WARC BS Role of ITU on Orbital Positions. 1983 (approx.) UN Conference on Space Law, Role of UN and ITU on Orbital Positions, Assessment of Respective Roles of UN and ITU COPUOS, UN Conference on Space Law Policy Planning for Formation of World Space Agency or Regime Scope, Powers (substantive, e.g., exclusive vs. shared), (procedural, e.g., business vs. bureaucratic), structure Relationship of UN and ITU to other Specialized Agencies of UN Gaining More Ratifications to Existing International Agreements 1967 Principles Treaty 1972 Liability Convention 1971 WARC ST 1973 ITU 1977 WARC BS Relationship between UN and ITU with Non- Governmental Organizations Relationship between UN and ITU with Scientific Community, with Possibility of a New IGY or Comparable Entity for SPS. COPUOS, UN Conference on Space Law COPUOS COPUOS ITU ITU ITU UN, ITU, AND NGOs UN, ITU, ICSU