SPS International Agreements - Detailed

provisions of the Convention are completely by the Administrative Regulations which regulate the use of telecommunication and shall be binding on all Members." In the event of inconsistent provisions in the Convention and Administrative Regulations the Convention prevails. The ITU has complemented each of the Conventions with sets of Administrative Regulations dealing with Telegraph, Telephone, Radio, and Additional Radio.The United States in accepting both conventions has attached a protocol on behalf of the territories of the United States whereby the United States does not accept "any obligations in respect to the Telephone Regulations or the Additional Radio Regulations referred to in Article 15 of the International Telecommunication Convention (Montreux, 1965)." This is set forth in Article 59 of the Final Protocol of the 1965 Convention. The same statement relating to Article 42 and Article 82 of the 1973 Convention is to be found in Article XXXVIII of the Final Protocol of that Convention. Thus, the United States, while bound by the 1973 Convention, has consistently accepted as applicable to it only the historic telegraph and radio regulations and has rejected the telephone and special radio regulations. Before proceeding to an assessment of the critically important substantive provisions of the 1959 ITU Radio Regulations, the 1963 Partial Revision of the 1959 Radio Regulations, the 1971 Final Acts of the World Administrative Radio Conference for Space Telecommunications (WARC ST), and the 1977 World Administrative Radio Conference for the Planning of the Broadcasting-Satellite Service in Frequency Bands 11.7 - 12.2 GHz Article 15 of the 1965 Convention and Articles 42 and 82 of the 1973 Convention. ^18 UST 575, TIAS 6267.