SPS International Agreements - Detailed

(in Regions 2 and 3) and 11.7 - 12.5 GHz (in Region 1) (WARC BS), it is necessary to identify with particularity some additional basic features of the ITU governmental process. As noted above, the regulatory regime of the ITU focuses in large part on the performance of the International Frequency Registration Board and on the Administrative Regulations of identified functional units. For radio communications the critical points in the governmental process relate to harmful interference and to the need for the rational use of the radio frequency spectrum and of the geostationary satellite orbit. International organizations typically endeavor to establish international standards. Since sovereign nation-states compose such organizations the international standards are those acceptable to such members. Once such international standards have been agreed to it then becomes the duty of such members to secure their implementation by all available national processes. The ITU operates on the premise that national self-interest will be served through the harmonious acceptance of international standards and by an orderly and consistent implementation of such standards by its membership. With respect to radio frequencies the ITU agreements consistently refer to their equitable, effective, and economical use. The agreements also provide that such frequencies should be used efficiently and economically. Over time these standards have been transposed by the ITU to the presence of space objects in geostationary orbit, particularly for the broadcasting satellite service in frequency bands 11.7 - 12.2 GHz (in Regions 2 and 3), and 11.7 - 12.5 GHz (in Region 1). However, it must be recognized that both in the formulation